A Time to Stand

"Here I am, front and center, flipping out my ID card to enter the intimidating glass doors that lead into the world of OEH." (Chapter 3: First Day)

"I had foot surgery in eighth grade. They broke
both of my feet and repositioned the bones with screws..." This is at my new foot doctor in Oklahoma getting approved to run track. Allison joined me. (Chapter 2: Community Service)

Life at the rental house with Dad, Mom, Kelly Grace, Bria, Allison, Angel, and Jordan.

Riding the bus with fellow classmates through Oklahoma City traffic.

Spring break - when Mom took me to get my nails done "like all the other OEH girls."
(Read more in Chapter 7: Questions)

Starting the 400-meter race at the Oklahoma Baptist University track meet. (Chapter 14: Medals and Memories)

One of the windy final day of school saying hi to Kelly Grace (left) in the bathroom between classes.

"My old room...draped
with warm Christmas lights, with white curtains over two nearly
floor-to-ceiling windows, a white dresser and a damask comforter on
a bleached trundle bed. That same bed will soon be in this room, but
it will not have the same aesthetic sensations." (Chapter 1: Vita Nova)