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I began writing blog posts when I was ten years old. It has been a few winters since I clicked the publish button, but I am back at the keyboard now as your author friend! In these articles we discuss writing, entertainment, and spirituality - all for the writer and the reader, geared toward the girl who wants to live her ideal life. Unlike the officialness of a book these articles are hot off the press. (Picture me at my white desk smiling, classical music in the background. talking straight to you.)

All of my articles are based on the Bible. It is the most reliable source of wisdom, and together, we will dissect its timeless message for our lives. These articles are solely derived from my personal study of Scripture. Like any lifelong learner, I reserve the right to refine my views as each day brings wisdom (I should hope by 40 I have new revelations)! Even so, I pray these articles leave you inspired, allowing you to consider life from a fresh perspective. I cannot promise a scheduled frequency of posts, as this would prove disappointing. I can only promise consistency as often as I am available, and my heart is to do so monthly.

I always enjoy reading any comments you may have on an article given we maintain mutual intellectual respect and internet etiquette. If you happen to have a particularly sensitive question you wish to inquire please resort to email. I understand websites are trickier to access than social media posts, though I believe reading articles on a alternative wider/clearer screen can allow you to savor a good bit of words with enhanced memory. That being said, if there is another way which you prefer to read articles that I may be unaware, do let me know. My heart is to give you timely content in the most accessible way possible.

May God transform your life by changing the way you think.

- Candice

Note: If you are not of the demographic of which my writing is intended (i.e. teenage girls/women) and do not have an official business inquiry, this website is of no use to you. Thank you for disregarding this website and all forms of communication as I will not respond.



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